SIFAS Daily Theatre for 2020-04-14


Sea vs Mountains

Of course, the sea is a wonderful place too. There are many things that you
can only do at the sea. But in the same way, there are also real pleasures
that you can only experience at the mountains

I get that much. But the sea is the birthplace of mankind right? There are
ancient memories etched into our DNA that we just can't resist

Hmm.... That is a weak reasoning.... Even so, humanity has been alive for
200 thousand years. Being on land all that time means being surrounded by
greenery, a place full of negative ions.... That's right, won't the mountains be
a pleasant and comfortable place to spend time?

You're bringing up human history?

But you're the one to bring it up first, Kanan.... However, at this rate it
seems that we won't reach a conclusion. Let's ask a third party for their
opinion on "Which is better, the sea or the mountains".

Ah, Ai-chan is just at the right place. Should we go ask Ai-chan?

Ai.... Let's not do that

Eh, why?

If we ask Ai, she'll probably say something along the lines of "Both the sea
and the mountains are a fun place! But Ai-san also loves Harajuku!"

That does sound like something she would say....